In a crowded virtual space where feeds get updated by the second how do you command the attention of your audience?
Among the many possibilities is evergreen content. Like the name suggests, it is content that remains relevant to the reader long after it is published. Thus, it draws in traffic and boosts brand credibility in the long-run.
Take for instance, Wikipedia and IMDB to which we all turn to regularly for information.
Businesses make hefty investments to hire in-house content teams for creating brand reputation and sales by offering insightful content. Content plays a vital role in boosting a company’s social media strategy, therefore, it has to be valuable in order to stand out among the competitors.
A good piece of content can drive thousands of users to click on Call To Action or visitors may leave the websites even before reading the initials of your posts.
If users find your content appealing, can it fuel your business ROI?
Absolutely true! Content can alone be a capable source that can directly impact the visitor’s mind to make purchase of your services/products. However, content needs to sound useful and worthy. This requires the creators to bring out original research and insightful conclusions.
An impactful and evergreen content can make your lead generation score high through multiple clicks on CTA buttons like Free Trials, Try a Demo and some more actionable buttons.
In this article, we will tell you how to create evergreen content to promote your social media presence. But first, let’s understand the importance of this type of content.
Why Evergreen Content?
90% of pages online generate no organic traffic. This busts the belief that once content goes on digital platforms it lives long.
News updates on FIFA World Cup 2019 will gain traction till the excitement lasts. However, the history of marketing will continue to get views even after a year of being published.
Informative, SEO content ranks high on search engines, enhances your brand credibility, places you as a thought leader, and drives sales. How-to guides, tutorials, listicles, historical accounts, encyclopedia, and FAQs, all fall under evergreen content.
However, to ensure that the video series or the how-to blog post you are planning makes the cut as evergreen content, you should consider certain aspects while creating content.
How To Create Evergreen Content?
Dollar Shave Club did a video to introduce the brand and its products; razor blades, in 2012. It resulted in 12,000 orders within 48 hours and continues to work for them.
Neil Patel’s “how to get more likes on YouTube” and Backlinko’s “the definitive guide to link-building” also continues to garner views.
What’s special about these evergreen content pieces?
- Both of them are simple and easy to consume.
- Both add value to the reader’s life.
- Dollar Shave Club knew that highlighting a cool name and low rates alone won’t work. So, they keep it authentic while giving it a unique take.
- Google loves detailed, informative content. The articles educate and solve a problem with each statement.
- Both of these pieces showcase expertise.
Keeping these characteristics in mind, churn out evergreen content and make your presence felt on social channels in these two steps:
Generate Ideas For Evergreen Content
Understanding your audience’s needs helps you find relevant content ideas. Check comments on blogs, social media posts, Quora or do a survey to learn about their problems. A simple keyword search will also lead you to a plethora of ideas.
Don’t forget to research your competitor’s content strategy. Tools like BuzzSumo can be helpful. Simply enter your competitor’s domain and find the best performing topics in the past.
Spying on the competitors’ actions must be a priority for you so as to measure your current performance. Associate yourself with the product/services you are into, as a consumer in order to gain some acknowledgements on your own prevailing content marketing pattern.
This allows you to stay ahead of the competition by filling in the gaps that most content leave.
Repurpose and Re-share
Content marketing experts keep stressing on repurposing and re-sharing content to boost visibility on social channels.
Instead of burying evergreen content, re-create it in different formats to share it on social media. Repost it after a week, two months, or two years, valuable content pieces won’t disappoint you.
Turn that how-to guide into a tutorial video or that historical blog into an infographic. Link your evergreen content to a current trend, your brand offering, or craft a social media campaign around it. Just make sure the original one is always up to date.
SEO boost, extended reach, brand recognition across the world, and credibility are benefits you reap when you incorporate evergreen content in your social media strategy.
With evergreen content as a core part of your marketing strategy, you’re building a strong foundation of growth. This doesn’t mean you disregard trends. At the same time you do not want to wreck your brains to create more and get nowhere.
Determine the best type of content based on your business
E-commerce business:
Promotion of their products is quite too easy with publishing useful blog posts regularly that ingrain the utility of their product into readers’ mind. Also, include links to supporting articles that contain products with its best benefits so that your website gains attention.
Using “How to” topics is a proven way to gain engagement mainly from non-technical users, since most of the users belong to the “information seeker” category. They find the tips & tricks method interesting for problem-solving.
Technology based business:
Video is the best channel to introduce your technology to your users. Use more testimonials, share customer stories to build trust among prospects. It gives businesses the opportunity to provide practical learning of software technology in an interesting way. 87% of video marketers say video has increased traffic to their websites.
“ Businesses who use video as a marketing practice evidenced 49% faster growth than those who are non-video marketers.”
Selecting headlines is super-important
Headline analyzer tools are the most effective and time-saving ones to conclude what would work as the best for you?
“ Headlines which are explicit and more direct, hits a reader’s mind and attracts them so quickly.”
For example: Try to use numbered headlines such as, “10 ways to balance your estrogen levels”
Include visuals in your posts
Ensure that you use visual guidance, tutorials, images. A good content creator avoids putting their users into situations wherein readers have to juggle around jargons.
Do use, but do not bombard the backlinks in your posts. Moreover, they can be picked in a relevant scenario, and according to the type of content.
For example: If an article is written as a “tips or trick of something” it can have as many as backlinks to drag the users. The reverse case is, if the content revolves around an in-depth research-based topic such as psychology-based article of information then content should be surrounded with preferably the related articles.
Author Bio: Brainvire Infotech